There are many ways to enter the circus but do you know which job is right for you?


Circus performers spend many years as students at circus schools training to perfect their act, with hope they can do anything from juggling, aerial, trapeze, clowning, straps and much more. With support from brave, high level technicians across England, whos job involves, dance, acrobatics and many different types of exciting skills.

Embarking on a Circus Performers Journey

Dreaming of running away and becoming circus performers? A circus performers job may seem enigmatic and unreachable, but with the right approach, you can turn this whimsical dream into a thrilling reality. Let’s dive into the steps you need to take to make your circus aspirations come to life.

There are many ways be involved in the circus but do you know which is right career for you?

Discover Your Circus Performer Passion

The circus is a realm of diverse talents and skills, so the first step is to identify your passion. Are you a daring acrobat, a captivating clown, or a mesmerizing magician? Finding your niche will steer you towards the right path in the circus world.

Hone Your Circus School Skills

Once you’ve pinpointed your performer passion, it’s time to polish your skills. Local classes, workshops, or clubs will enhance your abilities. Practice regularly, as mastering your craft is crucial in the competitive circus industry to secure your dream job.

Practicing Crafting an Impressive Act

Creating a standout act is essential in catching the eye of circus recruiters. Develop a unique routine that showcases your talent and charisma. Infuse creativity and originality into your performance to captivate audiences and circus scouts alike.

Is it hard to join the circus?

Wondering if it is hard to tour with the traveling circus ? A lot of acts happen to teach each other skills and therefore are hired by word of mouth or referral. Alternatively you need to find gigs to get notice and build your connection with the circus industry through plenty of practice, training and auditions.

Network Within the Circus Jobs Community

Networking plays a pivotal role in circus performers breaking into the circus scene. Most people attend circus events, workshops, and festivals to connect with industry professionals. Building relationships within the circus community can open doors to various opportunities.

Prepare a Compelling Job Portfolio

As you delve deeper into the circus , compile a striking portfolio that highlights your skills and experiences. Include videos of your acts, photos of performances, and testimonials from mentors or collaborators. A well-crafted portfolio will leave a lasting impression on potential recruiters.

Audition with Confidence

When you feel ready to take the stage and perform, take you time. It could take a week or a year to get hired by a company. Stick it out and make talk to traditional acts to hear about there background and the ups and downs they have constantly overcame. Seek out audition opportunities with circus companies or productions. Approach auditions with confidence, professionalism, and a dash of flair that showcases your unique talents. Embrace feedback as a tool for growth and improvement in your job.

gandeys circusEmbrace the Circus Lifestyle

Joining the circus is not just about performing; it’s about embracing a vibrant and unconventional lifestyle. Be prepared for travel, long hours of practice, and the thrill of entertaining audiences worldwide. Embrace the challenges and joys that come with the job and being a part of the circus family.

How do I get into a circus?

Turning your circus job dreams into reality requires passion, dedication, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. By honing your skills, networking with industry professionals, and showcasing your talent with confidence, you can embark on a thrilling circus journey. So, grab your top hat, dust off your juggling balls, and get ready to indulge the enchanting world of the circus.